PLoS One:日本用ips细胞培育出癌症干细胞

2012-04-19 07:00 · summersss





日本冈山大学教授妹尾昌治领导的研究小组13日在美国在线科学刊物PLoS One上报告说,他们首先用小鼠细胞培育出iPS细胞,然后向培养液中添加曾培育过肺癌、皮肤癌等癌细胞的液体,4周后将其中未分化的iPS细胞移植到小鼠皮下。结果,小鼠全部患上了癌症,其部分癌细胞不断分化,还有一些癌细胞向肺转移,研究小组由此确认未分化的上述iPS细胞就是癌症干细胞。




A Model of Cancer Stem Cells Derived from Mouse Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

Ling Chen, Tomonari Kasai, Yueguang Li, Yuh Sugii, Guoliang Jin, Masashi Okada, Arun Vaidyanath, Akifumi Mizutani, Ayano Satoh, Takayuki Kudoh, Mary J. C. Hendrix, David S. Salomon, Li Fu, Masaharu Seno

Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are capable of continuous proliferation and self-renewal and are proposed to play significant roles in oncogenesis, tumor growth, metastasis and cancer recurrence. CSCs are considered derived from normal stem cells affected by the tumor microenvironment although the mechanism of development is not clear yet. In 2007, Yamanaka's group succeeded in generating Nanog mouse induced pluripotent stem (miPS) cells, in which green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been inserted into the 5′-untranslated region of the Nanog gene. Usually, iPS cells, just like embryonic stem cells, are considered to be induced into progenitor cells, which differentiate into various normal phenotypes depending on the normal niche. We hypothesized that CSCs could be derived from Nanog miPS cells in the conditioned culture medium of cancer cell lines, which is a mimic of carcinoma microenvironment. As a result, the Nanog miPS cells treated with the conditioned medium of mouse Lewis lung carcinoma acquired characteristics of CSCs, in that they formed spheroids expressing GFP in suspension culture, and had a high tumorigenicity in Balb/c nude mice exhibiting angiogenesis in vivo. In addition, these iPS-derived CSCs had a capacity of self-renewal and expressed the marker genes, Nanog, Rex1, Eras, Esg1 and Cripto, associated with stem cell properties and an undifferentiated state. Thus we concluded that a model of CSCs was originally developed from miPS cells and proposed the conditioned culture medium of cancer cell lines might perform as niche for producing CSCs. The model of CSCs and the procedure of their establishment will help study the genetic alterations and the secreted factors in the tumor microenvironment which convert miPS cells to CSCs. Furthermore, the identification of potentially bona fide markers of CSCs, which will help the development of novel anti-cancer therapies, might be possible though the CSC model.
