Cell Stem Cell:张素春等证明细胞移植或可治疗“舞蹈病”

2012-03-21 07:00 · wuyuanyuan




张素春课题组把研究重点放在如何使人胚胎干细胞“定向诱导分化”为GABA能神经细胞上,因为GABA能神经细胞对机体的多种功能有重要调节作用,如果脑内大量的GABA能神经细胞死亡,就会产生“舞蹈样”动作。马丽香找到了一种可以从人胚胎干细胞中获得大量GABA能神经细胞的有效方法,将获得的GABA能神经细胞移植到患有亨廷顿病的模型鼠脑内。该模型鼠的运动功能障碍有了明显减缓和改善,证明被移植的细胞不仅能与内源细胞整合,而且还能有效修复脑内损伤的“环路” 。


Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived GABA Neurons Correct Locomotion Deficits in Quinolinic Acid-Lesioned Mice

Lixiang Ma, Baoyang Hu, Yan Liu, Scott Christopher Vermilyea, Huisheng Liu, Lu Gao, Yan Sun, Xiaoqing Zhang, Su-Chun Zhang

Degeneration of medium spiny GABA neurons in the basal ganglia underlies motor dysfunction in Huntington's disease (HD), which presently lacks effective therapy. In this study, we have successfully directed human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) to enriched populations of DARPP32-expressing forebrain GABA neurons. Transplantation of these human forebrain GABA neurons and their progenitors, but not spinal GABA cells, into the striatum of quinolinic acid-lesioned mice results in generation of large populations of DARPP32+ GABA neurons, which project to the substantia nigra as well as receiving glutamatergic and dopaminergic inputs, corresponding to correction of motor deficits. This finding raises hopes for cell therapy for HD.
