
2010-06-09 00:00 · Hunter

据国外媒体报道,一项新研究显示,我们的身体能产生少量而数量稳定的天然吗啡,但用途尚不清楚。   据悉,吗啡是鸦片中最主要的生物碱(含量约10-15%),吗啡有强大的镇痛作用,对一切疼痛均有效,吗啡的麻醉、镇痛作用是自然存在的任何一种化合物无法比拟的,它的镇痛范围广泛,几乎适用于










Urinary excretion of morphine and biosynthetic precursors in mice

Nadja Grobea,1, Marc Lamshöftb,1, Robert G. Orthc, Birgit Drägerd, Toni M. Kutchana, Meinhart H. Zenka,2,3, and Michael Spitellerb,2

Published online before print April 26, 2010, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1003423107


It has been firmly established that humans excrete a small but steady amount of the isoquinoline alkaloid morphine in their urine. It is unclear whether it is of dietary or endogenous origin. There is no doubt that a simple isoquinoline alkaloid, tetrahydropapaveroline (THP), is found in human and rodent brain as well as in human urine. This suggests a potential biogenetic relationship between both alkaloids. Unlabeled THP or [1,3,4-D3]-THP was injected intraperitoneally into mice and the urine was analyzed. This potential precursor was extensively metabolized (96%). Among the metabolites found was the phenol-coupled product salutaridine, the known morphine precursor in the opium poppy plant. Synthetic [7D]-salutaridinol, the biosynthetic reduction product of salutaridine, injected intraperitoneally into live animals led to the formation of [7D]-thebaine, which was excreted in urine. [N-CD3]-thebaine was also administered and yielded [N-CD3]-morphine and the congeners [N-CD3]-codeine and [N-CD3]-oripavine in urine. These results show for the first time that live animals have the biosynthetic capability to convert a normal constituent of rodents, THP, to morphine. Morphine and its precursors are normally not found in tissues or organs, presumably due to metabolic breakdown. Hence, only that portion of the isoquinoline alkaloids excreted in urine unmetabolized can be detected. Analysis of urine by high resolution-mass spectrometry proved to be a powerful method for tracking endogenous morphine and its biosynthetic precursors.
