
2010-09-14 00:00 · Aries

北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室李武老师及其博士生张恩二人在PNAS杂志上发表重要学术文章。李武老师及其博士生张恩二人在2010年9月7日出版的PNAS杂志上发表了重要学术文章。 视觉信息的加工在很大程度上依赖于视网膜坐标系,可是在表征外界刺激的空间位置时,视觉系统







PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1003547107

Perceptual learning beyond retinotopic reference frame

En Zhang and Wu Li1

Repetitive experience with the same visual stimulus and task can remarkably improve behavioral performance on the task. This well-known perceptual-learning phenomenon is usually specific to the trained retinal- or visual-field location, which is taken as an indication of plastic changes in retinotopic visual areas. In previous studies of perceptual learning, however, a change in stimulus location on the retina is accompanied by positional changes of the stimulus in nonretinotopic frames of reference, such as relative to the head and other objects. It is unclear, therefore, whether the putative location specificity is exclusively retinotopic or if it could also depend on nonretinotopic representation of the stimulus, which is particularly important for multisensory and sensorimotor integration as well as for maintenance of stable visual percepts. Here, by manipulating subjects’ gaze direction to control spatial and retinal locations of stimuli independently, we found that, when the stimulated retinal regions were held constant, the improvement with training in motion-direction discrimination of two successively displayed stimuli was restricted to the relative spatial position of the stimuli but independent of their absolute locations in head- and world-centered frame. These findings indicate location specificity of perceptual learning beyond retinotopic frame of reference, suggesting a pliable spatiotopic mechanism that can be specifically shaped by experience for better spatiotemporal integration of the learned stimuli.
