
2012-08-29 10:24 · pobee






这些研究发现第一次提供了解释患有罕见遗传疾病范可尼贫血(Fanconi anemia)的患者会骨髓衰竭原因。患有这一疾病的患者遗传了一个或多个FA基因的突变,导致可修复乙醛造成DNA损伤的“修复工具包”失活。因此,FA患者具有发育缺陷、骨髓衰竭和极高的血液和其他癌症的风险。

如果在人类中得到重复,这些研究结果对于全球约2500万具有酒精引起的“亚洲人脸红综合征”( Asian flush syndrome)的人群也可能具有重要意义。这些个体缺乏一种清除有毒乙醛的酶ALDH2,有可能因此对DNA损伤异常地敏感。作者们认为这些人群摄入酒精有可能导致对他们血液干细胞的永久伤害,提高他们的血癌、骨髓衰竭和加速衰老的风险。

领导这一研究的是医学研究理事会分子生物学实验室的KJ Patel博士。KJ Patel说:“血液干细胞负责提供我们整个生命周期连续不断的健康血细胞供应。随着衰老,这些重要的干细胞因为损伤DNA的累积而变得不那么有效。我们的研究确定了这一DNA损伤的一个关键的根源,并确定了干细胞用于对抗这种威胁的两种保护性机制。”


“这些结果有可能对于诸如中国等亚洲国家的广泛人群尤其重要,在那里多达三分之一的人群有ALDH2酶缺陷。这些个体摄取酒精有可能使他们的FA DNA修复工具包超负荷,引起对血液干细胞不可逆的损伤。其长期的后果可能是骨髓功能障碍和血癌发生。

医学研究理事会分子生物学实验室主任Sir Hugh Pelham说:“该研究提供了对于破坏性儿童疾病范可尼贫血基础生物学一个非常探索性的解释。在未来这一工作有可能成为这一当前预后较差的遗传性疾病新治疗的基础。它也有助于告知全球那些有ALDH2酶缺陷的广泛人群喝酒有可能对于他们的DNA造成无形的伤害。”

Genotoxic consequences of endogenous aldehydes on mouse haematopoietic stem cell function

Juan I. Garaycoechea,Gerry P. Crossan,Frederic Langevin,Maria Daly,Mark J. Arends& Ketan J. Patel

Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) regenerate blood cells throughout the lifespan of an organism. With age, the functional quality of HSCs declines, partly owing to the accumulation of damaged DNA1, 2, 3. However, the factors that damage DNA and the protective mechanisms that operate in these cells are poorly understood. We have recently shown that the Fanconi anaemia DNA-repair pathway counteracts the genotoxic effects of reactive aldehydes4, 5. Mice with combined inactivation of aldehyde catabolism (through Aldh2 knockout) and the Fanconi anaemia DNA-repair pathway (Fancd2 knockout) display developmental defects, a predisposition to leukaemia, and are susceptible to the toxic effects of ethanol—an exogenous source of acetaldehyde4. Here we report that aged Aldh2−/− Fancd2−/− mutant mice that do not develop leukaemia spontaneously develop aplastic anaemia, with the concomitant accumulation of damaged DNA within the haematopoietic stem and progenitor cell (HSPC) pool. Unexpectedly, we find that only HSPCs, and not more mature blood precursors, require Aldh2 for protection against acetaldehyde toxicity. Additionally, the aldehyde-oxidizing activity of HSPCs, as measured by Aldefluor stain, is due to Aldh2 and correlates with this protection. Finally, there is more than a 600-fold reduction in the HSC pool of mice deficient in both Fanconi anaemia pathway-mediated DNA repair and acetaldehyde detoxification. Therefore, the emergence of bone marrow failure in Fanconi anaemia is probably due to aldehyde-mediated genotoxicity restricted to the HSPC pool. These findings identify a new link between endogenous reactive metabolites and DNA damage in HSCs, and define the protective mechanisms that counteract this threat.

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