
2012-11-21 14:39 · wenmingw







精神病研究所的Richard Killick博士说:“我们的研究已经划出了疾病发展最详细的进程图,我们希望这能够带来新疗法的研发。”

他的同事Simon Lovestone教授说:“我们的研究表明,当在实验室条件下阻断脑细胞中的这种信号途径时,我们可以阻止淀粉样蛋白的毒害作用。我们相信,如果我们也能消除它在阿兹海默病患者大脑中的活性,那么我们就有可能治疗这种疾病。”


英国阿兹海默症协会的会长Clive Ballard教授说:“我们对阿兹海默症的发病过程了解的越多,离治愈这种疾病就越近。这项重要的研究填补了一些重要的空白,有可能给我们带来新的诊断方法,和更有效的治疗方法。”

Clusterin regulates β-amyloid toxicity via Dickkopf-1-driven induction of the wnt–PCP–JNK pathway

R Killick,  E M Ribe,  R Al-Shawi,  B Malik,  C Hooper et al.

Although the mechanism of Aβ action in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has remained elusive, it is known to increase the expression of the antagonist of canonical wnt signalling, Dickkopf-1 (Dkk1), whereas the silencing of Dkk1 blocks Aβ neurotoxicity. We asked if clusterin, known to be regulated by wnt, is part of an Aβ/Dkk1 neurotoxic pathway. Knockdown of clusterin in primary neurons reduced Aβ toxicity and DKK1 upregulation and, conversely, Aβ increased intracellular clusterin and decreased clusterin protein secretion, resulting in the p53-dependent induction of DKK1. To further elucidate how the clusterin-dependent induction of Dkk1 by Aβ mediates neurotoxicity, we measured the effects of Aβ and Dkk1 protein on whole-genome expression in primary neurons, finding a common pathway suggestive of activation of wnt–planar cell polarity (PCP)–c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signalling leading to the induction of genes including EGR1 (early growth response-1), NAB2 (Ngfi-A-binding protein-2) and KLF10 (Krüppel-like factor-10) that, when individually silenced, protected against Aβ neurotoxicity and/or tau phosphorylation. Neuronal overexpression of Dkk1 in transgenic mice mimicked this Aβ-induced pathway and resulted in age-dependent increases in tau phosphorylation in hippocampus and cognitive impairment. Furthermore, we show that this Dkk1/wnt–PCP–JNK pathway is active in an Aβ-based mouse model of AD and in AD brain, but not in a tau-based mouse model or in frontotemporal dementia brain. Thus, we have identified a pathway whereby Aβ induces a clusterin/p53/Dkk1/wnt–PCP–JNK pathway, which drives the upregulation of several genes that mediate the development of AD-like neuropathologies, thereby providing new mechanistic insights into the action of Aβ in neurodegenerative diseases.

文献链接:Clusterin regulates β-amyloid toxicity via Dickkopf-1-driven induction of the wnt–PCP–JNK pathway