Lab Chip:科学家开发出一种用于研究疟疾的芯片

2012-03-14 07:00 · jiexinzhang


导读:不列颠哥伦比亚大学研究员Hongshen Ma开发出一种轻便而精确的用来研究疟疾的装置,疟疾这种疾病目前每年全世界范围内有5亿人受影响,并且甚至每年都夺取数百万人的生命。疟疾由一种能感染人红细胞的微小寄生虫致病,依靠蚊子传播。Ma和他的研究团队设计了一种“芯片”装置,以便于更好地理解由恶性疟原虫(引起疟疾的寄生虫中最常见的种类)导致的红细胞变化。




Ma等开发的这种微流体装置有2″x 1″ (50 cm x 25 cm)大小,借助一系列紧压的漏斗形收缩可以使得变形红细胞通过,然后根据测定的这种推动细胞流过每个漏斗形收缩的压力大小,进而计算出细胞的变形能力。

Ma解释道:通过测定感染红细胞的变形能力,研究人员可以获得关于疾病所处状态以及治疗反应的一些关键信息。这些研究发现综合发布于目前最新一期的《实验室芯片》(Lab on a Chip)杂志上。

Microfluidic biomechanical assay for red blood cells parasitized by Plasmodium falciparum

Quan Guo , Sarah J. Reiling , Petra Rohrbach and Hongshen Ma 

Red blood cells parasitized by Plasmodium falciparum can be distinguished from uninfected cells and characterized on the basis of reduced deformability. To enable improved and simplified analysis, we developed a microfluidic device to measure red blood cell deformability using precisely controlled pressure. Individual red blood cells are deformed through multiple funnel-shaped constrictions with openings ranging from 5 down to 1 μm. Precisely controlled pressures are generated on-chip using a microfluidic circuit that attenuates an externally applied pressure by a factor of 100. The pressures required to squeeze each cell through the constriction are used as a readout to determine the intrinsic stiffness of each cell. Using this method, parasitized cells from ring through schizont stages were shown to be 1.5 to 200 times stiffer than uninfected cells. The measured deformability values of uninfected and parasitized cells showed clearly distinct distributions, demonstrating the potential of using this technique to study the pathophysiology of this disease, and the effect of potential drugs.
