
2012-03-23 14:59 · Betsy






研究人员发现多个癌组织差异性表达的长链非编码RNA进行了验证,发现PCA3,FR0348383 和 MALAT-1在癌组织中的过表达率分别为80%,72.5%和82.5%,FR0257520 在癌组织中的低表达率为82.5%。此外,研究者还发现并验证了PSA新型异构体,具有潜在的诊断价值。

研究人员根据此次研究结果绘制了中国人群特异性的前列腺癌图谱,提出了3条关键信号通路,为深入认识中国人群前列腺癌的发生发展机制奠定基础。这些研究成果是第二代测序的成功范例,首次揭示了中国人群前列腺癌的全貌,新研究为进一步了解前列腺癌的诊断、发病演化机制和种族差异性提供了新线索。据悉,文章第一作者上海长海医院泌尿外科主治医师任善成博士近期也获得美国前列腺癌基金会(Prostate Cancer Foundation,PCF)青年学者奖(Young Investigator Award),其研究项目《中国人群特异的融合基因在前列腺癌发病机制及临床应用中的研究》获得基金会3年的资助,从而成为基金会19年历史上第一位获此殊荣的中国学者。相关论文发表在2月21日的《细胞研究》(Cell  Research)杂志上。

RNA-seq analysis of prostate cancer in the Chinese population identifies recurrent gene fusions, cancer-associated long noncoding RNAs and aberrant alternative splicings

Shancheng Ren, Zhiyu Peng, Jian-Hua Mao, Yongwei Yu, Changjun Yin, Xin Gao, Zilian Cui, Jibin Zhang, Kang Yi, Weidong Xu, Chao Chen, Fubo Wang, Xinwu Guo, Ji Lu, Jun Yang, Min Wei, Zhijian Tian, Yinghui Guan, Liang Tang, Chuanliang Xu, Linhui Wang, Xu Gao, Wei Tian, Jian Wang, Huanming Yang, Jun Wang and Yinghao Sun

There are remarkable disparities among patients of different races with prostate cancer; however, the mechanism underlying this difference remains unclear. Here, we present a comprehensive landscape of the transcriptome profiles of 14 primary prostate cancers and their paired normal counterparts from the Chinese population using RNA-seq, revealing tremendous diversity across prostate cancer transcriptomes with respect to gene fusions, long noncoding RNAs (long ncRNA), alternative splicing and somatic mutations. Three of the 14 tumors (21.4%) harbored a TMPRSS2-ERG fusion, and the low prevalence of this fusion in Chinese patients was further confirmed in an additional tumor set (10/54=18.5%). Notably, two novel gene fusions, CTAGE5-KHDRBS3 (20/54=37%) and USP9Y-TTTY15 (19/54=35.2%), occurred frequently in our patient cohort. Further systematic transcriptional profiling identified numerous long ncRNAs that were differentially expressed in the tumors. An analysis of the correlation between expression of long ncRNA and genes suggested that long ncRNAs may have functions beyond transcriptional regulation. This study yielded new insights into the pathogenesis of prostate cancer in the Chinese population.
