
2012-03-24 07:00 · pobee





在分子水平上,像salvinorin A(致幻植物鼠尾草的活性成分)等毒品通过激活大脑和身体中某些特定的蛋白质(受体)发挥作用。

Salvinorin A是天然的致幻剂,它之所以不寻常是因为它只与人类大脑中一个受体相互作用,这个受体就是阿片受体(kappa opioid receptor Kappa,KOR)。科学家们知道四种不同类型的阿片受体,但到现在为止salvinorin A作用受体的结构以及salvinorin A和其它药物是如何与之相互作用的仍是一个谜。


UNC的Michael Hooker特聘药理学教授Bryan Roth博士说:一旦我们了解了该受体的结构,我们开发靶向受体的治疗药物会变得更容易,他是该论文的作者之一。阻止该受体的药物有可能用于治疗严重性疾病包括慢性疼痛、可卡因成瘾和其他疾病。

KOR主要受影响人意识、疼痛和情绪的药物的影响。KOR是唯一与salvinorin A结合的受体,salvinorin A是广泛滥用致幻植物鼠尾草(也被称为魔法薄荷Magic mint等)的主要活性成分。青少年和年轻成年人中使用鼠尾草的人数激增,在过去一年中有超过5%的人使用了鼠尾草。


该研究小组运用JDTic使得KOR失活,目前,药物JDTic已经进入人体试验早期阶段。JDTic保持KOR失活状态,阻断salvinorin A发挥作用。在动物试验中,JDTic已显示出较好的治疗可卡因和尼古丁成瘾、抑郁和焦虑效果。




文章合著者包括UNC-Chapel Hill的Eyal Vardy和Xi-Ping Huang、Huixian Wu、Daniel Wacker、Vsevolod Katritch、Mauro Mileni、Gye Won Han、Wei Liu、Aaron A、Thompson, Vadim Cherezov and Raymond C、史蒂文斯斯克里普斯研究所Stevens、Research Triangle Institute的F. Ivy Carroll and S. Wayne Mascarella、弗吉尼亚联邦大学的Richard B. Westkaemper和Philip D. Mosier。


Structure of the human κ-opioid receptor in complex with JDTic

Huixian Wu, Daniel Wacker, Mauro Mileni, Vsevolod Katritch, Gye Won Han, Eyal Vardy, Wei Liu,
Vadim Cherezov & Raymond C. Stevens

Opioid receptors mediate the actions of endogenous and exogenous opioids on many physiological processes, including the regulation of pain, respiratory drive, mood, and—in the case of κ-opioid receptor (κ-OR)—dysphoria and psychotomimesis. Here we report the crystal structure of the human κ-OR in complex with the selective antagonist JDTic, arranged in parallel dimers, at 2.9 Å resolution. The structure reveals important features of the ligand-binding pocket that contribute to the high affinity and subtype selectivity of JDTic for the human κ-OR. Modelling of other important κ-OR-selective ligands, including the morphinan-derived antagonists norbinaltorphimine and 5′-guanidinonaltrindole, and the diterpene agonist salvinorin A analogue RB-64, reveals both common and distinct features for binding these diverse chemotypes. Analysis of site-directed mutagenesis and ligand structure–activity relationships confirms the interactions observed in the crystal structure, thereby providing a molecular explanation for κ-OR subtype selectivity, and essential insights for the design of compounds with new pharmacological properties targeting the human κ-OR.
